Focus Prayers 19th April 2020

Stand among us                                                                                                    

Risen Christ, when we find ourselves behind closed doors come and stand among us.

Where there is fear and anxiety……..

Where there is violence and distress…….

Where there is anger and hurt………

Where there is loss and grief…

Where there is doubt and uncertainty……..

Where there is injustice and destruction…….

Risen Christ, too often we close ourselves to the world                                                                                Come, fling wide the doors and stand among us.                                                                                        Challenge us to be more welcoming, to offer hospitality                               and to become a light to the world.

In uncertain times and unusual places                                                                                                          This week                                                                                                                 We offer our prayers  in particular…..

For all those who work in caring professions and in particular the NHS, Care Homes, Nursing Homes and the Hospices.

For those who live in and are cared for at residential care

For all those in NHS care

For those in Care Homes         

 For the Nursing Homes

For those in North Devon Hospice

For those in Children’s Hospice South West

For those who care at home

Help us and  those who reveal your presence by the way we  live, for all who live simply that others may simply live. 

Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neighbour, and to care for those in need as if we were caring for you. In this time of anxiety, give us strength to comfort the fearful, to tend the sick, and to assure the isolated of our love, and your love, for your name’s sake. Amen.

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