We have resumed our weekly Sunday morning services, and also occasional evening services. In order that our more vulnerable members feel safe to attend, we continue to be cautious.
If you are feeling unwell, displaying the symptoms of a cold, are elderly or worried you may be vulnerable, please consider not coming. Even if you would normally come with a cold, the words of 1 Corinthians 8:11 may help us all: “Think of your weaker brother/sister”.
Our seating is arranged to allow space. Hand sanitiser is available on arrival, and you are welcome to wear a mask if you would like to. When outside temperatures aren’t too low to make it impractical, the building is well ventilated.
A prayer from Rev Dr John Proctor General Secretary of the United Reformed Church:
Lord Jesus,
In the midst of a storm,
You said, ‘Peace be still.’
Bid our anxious fears subside,
Sustain your church in faith, hope and love,
Bring our nation through this tumult,
Grant wisdom to those with heavy responsibilities,
And healing and hope to those who are infected. Amen.