Sunday 12th January 2020

Epiphany 2

Welcome to worship

If you are able to, please do stay for tea, coffee, biscuits and fellowship after the morning service. If you are visiting from another congregation, do make yourself known and take our greetings back with you to your home church.


10.30am          Morning Service Revd John Robinson

4.30pm            Café Church ‘Hope and Joy’


Monday 13 Jan           12.00noon Thanksgiving Service

                                    for Shirley Punt

                                    7.30pm Friendship Group

                                    Bring and Share Supper

Tuesday 14 Jan          9.30am-12.00noon Coffee Morning

                                    9.30-11.00am Tuesday Stay and Play

                                    9.30am Prayer Meeting

                                    10.00am-12.00noon Sound It Out  

Wednesday 15 Jan    10.00-11-30am Nurture Group

                                    1.00pm Toddler Praise

                                    1.30-3.00pm Parents and Toddlers

Thursday 16 Jan         10.15-11.15am Two Bridges Café

                                    Tea, coffee, egg and bacon rolls, cakes  

                                    2.30pm Ladies Fellowship

                                    Speaker: Revd Robert Hurley

Friday 17 Jan              10.00-11.30am Hob Nob Tea, coffee, cakes

                                    NEXT SUNDAY 19 JANUARY 2020

10.30am          Family Service Revd Don Macalister

                        followed by bring and share lunch, and…

1.00pm            Church Meeting, including elders’ election

6.30pm            Communion Service Revd Robert Hurley

                                    FURTHER AHEAD

Monday 20 January    2.30pm Third Monday Bible Study Group

Monday 27 January    7.30pm Friendship Group

                                    Exmoor Search and Rescue. Lionel Murphy

Friday 31 January       7.30pm Community Links Project Prayer Meeting  


Elders’ Election Nomination forms are available, and should be in the Minister’s hands by today. A box is provided for them.

Christmas decorations. If you have any Christmas decorations, other Christmas items or unwanted gifts (except electrical items) that you no longer want, Liz Seymour would be happy to receive them now for the next Winter Fair.

               Minister: Revd Don Macalister (Day off: Wed 15 Jan)

            Room bookings, please, to Ian Allen Tel: 01271 374085 or Details for next Sunday’s notices, please,             to Tony Coates by the preceding Wednesday, 6.00pm. Tel: 01237           471740 or

About the Author
